Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 6 - Year 0/1 Kid Pix

Welcome to Week 6.

This week the Year 0 and 1 used Kid Pix to further our skills. We recapped on using the text box to write our names. We used the pencil again to draw a picture. We also had a play with changing the colours.

We learnt something new today that was to fill in a shape with colour. To do this we used the pencil to create a shape that was closed such as a circle. We then used the paint tin to then fill our shapes with a variety of shapes and colours. We had fun doing this.

We need to remember that our shapes need to be closed they cannot have any gaps or the paint tin wont fill it.

Have a look at the Year Ones awesome Kid Pix drawings. They had to draw a closed shape and then fill it using the paint tin. They then typed their names.