Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 2 - Year 3/4 Net Safety

Today was the Year 3/4s turn to learn about staying safe online. We had fun discussing ways to stay safe online. We watched Hector and he told us about not giving out our personal information online. He told us that we could use a nick name rather than our real name as this would keep our identity safe. Our next step was to work with a partner to plan out our ideas for a poster with a message about staying safe online. We are using Comic Life to publish so spent the lesson penciling our ideas down. We had fun doing this and are looking forward to next lesson where we will begin to publish our work.

The Year 3/4s came up with these ideas to stay safe online:
-not give out your personal details
-exit a site if you see something you don't like
-tell a teacher or adult if you see something you don't like
-don't go onto sites that you don't know
-don't send mean things to people

If you would like to learn more about staying safe online you can visit: