Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 10 - 11 Year 4 Animation

Here are a few pictures of the Year 4 children in action while they are learning how to animate.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 8 - Year 3 Kidspiration

Well it was a welcomed short week this week. So the Year 0/1/2 missed out on their ICT time this week.

The Year 3 children continued to work on their Kidspiration Penguin work. They have learnt alot of new skills. Check out how they have blinged up their presentations.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 7 - Year 3 Kidspiration

Today the year 3 classes worked on their Kidspiration Penguin information. We have learnt to add lots of pictures that we drew ourselves and how to change the fonts, add text, move items around and lots more.

Have a look at our work this far...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Year 4 Animations

The Year 4 children have been working with I Can Animate. Over the last few weeks they have been learning the skills to be able to create their own animations. The children began using shapes and moved them around to create an animated look. They then began to use play dough and items to create animations.

We talked about the importance of small movements and clearing the shot before shooting. The children worked in small groups of about 4 with 1 person being the camera person and in charge. The children all worked so well together. Here are some pictures of them working on the skills of animating...

Here are some examples of what they have done over the last few weeks...

Week 7 - Year 2 Kidspiration

The Year 2 children have been working hard using Kidspiration to share their knowledge about sea animals. This week we looked at the shark and the children began to put their ideas onto their kidspiration.

Have a look at their progress this far.

Week 7 - Year 0/1 Kid Pix

Welcome to Week 7 and the new month of June. It has come around very fast and the Year 0/1 children are developing their drawing skills in Kid Pix. It is great to see the changes in not only their drawings but attitudes also. They are confident now when asked to draw their own pictures rather than responding with "I can't..."

This week we looked at a Tiger and the children then labelled parts of it and connected them in the correct areas. Have a look at their fantastic work...