Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 6 - Samoan Language Week

Welcome to Week 6

Its a special week this week as Randwick Park School is celebrating
Samoan Language Week.

Today the Year 1 and 2 children learnt some Samoan language greetings. They practiced saying them with a friend and then we recorded ourselves using the Samoan language on Photobooth.

We had a lot of fun learning some of the Samoan language in ICT.
We focused on the greeting of Talofa lava meaning Hello and Fa'afetai meaning Thank you.

Here are some of the recordings done by the Year 1 children.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 5 - Year 2 Kidspiration

Today in ICT the Year 2 kids used Kidspiration to draw a fish. They then used the tools to add as many labels as they could. Have a look at what they achieved today.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Year 3 Camp

This week was the Year 3 camp. On Friday the children chose activities they wanted to do. The children working with me were doing photos of the other children working on their chosen activity.

Here are the pictures that the children took you can see how much fun they had...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ICT - Year 4 Children - Photos

The Year 4 children that worked with me today were looking at photos. We took the focus of Randwick Park School and walked around the school with the children choosing items to photograph that they felt represented our school. They chose an item took a whole shot and then a close up and then extreme close up of the same item. Here is a look at what they achieved today.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 2 - Year 0/1 Kid Pix Drawing

This week our focus was to draw a Giraffe using proper colours and to label with at least two labels using text box.

We looked at a picture of a Giraffe and discussed what made it a Giraffe eg: long neck, spots, horns, long legs etc. We then drew it using Kid Pix some of us thought we could not draw a Giraffe but they all look fantastic. We then used the text box to write our names and add labels.

Some of us told the teacher and she wrote the labels for us and some of us managed to type them in all by ourselves.

Here is some of our work...

Week 2 - Year 0/1 Kid Pix Drawing

Welcome to Week 4!

This week Room 1 Year 0 put their drawing skills to use. They used Kid Pix to draw a sun. They then filled it using the paint tin. We talked about how we need the circle shape of the sun to be closed before filling it or else it won't work. We talked about the colour of the sun being yellow and not blue or green or black. Here are some examples of what the achieved.

ICT - Drawing our own animals Year 2

Here is some of the fantastic work done by the junior school. They drew a picture of a Tiger and then they used the board to help them write a small sentence or two about it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to...Recording Voice Using Kid Pix

Today the children recorded their ideas about what makes an animal special. This clip will remind you how to record in Kid Pix and then export to be able to share with others.

Learning together...

Week 3 - Year 0/1 Kid Pix Drawing Recording

Today we looked at a variety of animals and we chose one to draw onto Kid Pix. We had to look carefully at our animal to see all the special things about it. We drew it and then we recorded our voice talking about what our animal had that made it special.

Here are two from Room 5...

Room 1
Most of the children are brand new so today we looked at moving and controlling the mouse. The children had to fill the page using the pencil tool. Here is an example of some fine work.